What it takes to be a TPG

Working as a waitress for Twin Peaks is very different than working as a waitress at any other restaurant. In order to first be qualified as a Twin Peaks Girl there are certain standards the company has set in order to be hired. First thing managers look at is the girl’s look and personality. As far as looks go, no, not every girl has to be beach blonde with huge boobs. Twin Peaks likes to have a variety of girls from every nationality. As long as she is well put together, chances are she’s going to get the job even without prior experience. The main personality trait that every Twin Peaks girl has is confidence. Confidence in herself to walk around in the outfit and confidence in herself to talk to and entertain strangers.

Once hired the girls are introduced to the ranking system. The rank is used for the order of picking sections, getting cut, and getting days off. Rank is determined by multiple different things: fitness, uniform, hair, make-up, teamwork, on time, overall shift grade, merchandise sales and credit card tips. Although being ranked seems pretty personal, it is used to make sure every girl is putting their best effort forward when representing Twin Peaks.

Another part of the hiring process is going through the right training. While in training, the girls are taught by a certified trainer on the guidelines and expectations for every shift. Girls are advised to be playful, energetic, attentive, knowledgeable, and sexy, or P.E.A.K.S., while working with their tables. Part of our steps of service is to sit with all of our tables when we take their order and while they wait for their food or drink their beers. As we sit with our tables we should keep the three S’s in mind: sit, schmooze, and sell. Schmooze meaning flirt without intent, although this can be misunderstood by those girls who become overly flirty and friendly. The last S, sell, is a reminder to  mentioning the merchandise and up sell the food in order to have a higher bill with a bigger tip percentage.

This means sitting with everyone, even the creepers. And yes, there are a few. It becomes easier to deal with the creepers and laugh at the bad jokes and soon it just becomes part of the routine. Most people might find this way of working a little degrading but honestly, I love what I do. I have a great time getting to know my tables and my fellow sisters in plad and have met so many people with access to so many opportunities it is a great way to network and become known. As far as tips go, you get the good with the bad, and trust me, we remember those who tip bad. Although it usually evens out, it is still waiting tables so not every night is a $200 night. In my experience having a good attitude during every shift is what makes money. Besides, no one wants to be around a girl with a bad attitude.

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